
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The Wise Men from the East who visited Child Jesus returned without meeting King Herod, as directed by the angel. The furious Herod was determined to kill Jesus. So he ordered that all male children in Bethlehem who were two years old and younger be murdered mercilessly. The armed soldiers ran in all directions causing a massive massacre of innocent infants {Matthew 2: 1-18}.
St. Joseph had left for Egypt with St. Mary and Child Jesus as advised by an angel, to save Jesus from the murder. There are several legends about miraculous events during their escape into Egypt.
One legend is about the service of spiders. The Holy Family moved as fast as they could, along the way to Egypt. There were sandy deserts and minor forests on the way. Troops of Herod heard that a family had escaped along that way and followed the Holy Family. It was a very cold night and the Holy Family sought refuge in a dark and damp cave on the way. Joseph and Mary prayed fervently.
There were several spiders in the cave. They sprang into action to save the Holy family and to protect the Child from the freezing cold. The spiders quickly wove a thick web covering the entrance of the cave like a curtain. By the time the troops reached the scene, the giant spider-web was ready. The troops inspected everywhere to find out the fleeing family. Seeing the intact cobweb covering the entrance to the cave, the captain of the troops said, “That cobweb is completely unbroken. Any one entering the cave would certainly have torn the web. As it is intact, there is no one inside. Let us continue our chase without wasting time.”
The troops left the cave and Child Jesus could sleep peacefully that night, due to the sincere service of the silly spiders. This is a fanciful story without any historical or Biblical evidence. But it teaches that even insignificant insects could accord a royal reception and protection to the Holy Child. We may be silly and simple by worldly standards. But God treasures our sincere services.
Let us welcome Jesus into our hearts. The popular hymn in Malayalam entitled, “Vaa Vaa Yesu Nadhaa …” offers wonderful words of welcome to our loving Lord . The hymn may be translated and sung in the same tune as follows:
Welcome, Jesus, my Lord! Welcome, my loving Lord!
You are the love which - my heart is searching for, Lord. [Welcome...]
You are my beloved; you are my loving King.
In you I will have - all my love and my living. [Welcome…]
There is no such joy in - either earth or heaven;
Without you there is - no joy at all for anyone. [Welcome…]
Blossoms lose their beauty; and honey is tasteless;
When you come to me - my joy becomes limitless. [Welcome…]
Do not leave me my Lord! Please be with me, my Lord!
I will make for you - an altar of flowers, my Lord! [Welcome…]
Agony may arise; disease may disturb us;
If you are with me, I feel relieved, my Jesus. [Welcome…]
Swimming in sereneness; immersed in sanctity;
I will be with you, be with me, Oh! Almighty! [Welcome…]
©By: Dr. Babu Philip, Professor, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Fine Arts Avenue, Kochi-682016, Kerala, India.
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