
Friday, January 9, 2009


Teachers and elders often ask children about their ambition- what they want to become after completing their studies. The common answers include professions such as- Doctor, engineer, teacher, lawyer, minister, officer etc. Some may prefer to become a nun or a priest. But there is a title, which any one can attain, along with any other profession mentioned earlier- that is to become a saint.

We have different views about a saint. Some consider a saint as a worker of miracles; but that seems to be very difficult. Others view a saint as one who never laughs or plays or as one who prays constantly and eats only a little of tasteless food just to sustain life. It is a wrong picture. God is our loving Father. He enjoys our smile and play. He gave us interest in the good things of life. St. Philip Neri said, "Let young men be cheerful, and indulge in the recreations proper to their age, provided they keep out of the way of sin." God likes everything in us except sin.

St. Theresa of Lisieux, often called 'the Little Flower' became a great saint in a very simple way. She has not worked miracles or travelled to distant lands as a missionary to preach the Gospel. From her infancy she decided to do every work of daily life with full care in the best possible way. St. Theresa is one of the patron saints of the missions because she loved the missions and prayed for the missionaries. It is easy to follow her 'little way'. We can do the little works of life like reading, writing, playing, praying, visiting church and helping parents, teachers and friends, most sincerely and faithfully. That is the 'little way' to sanctity. It is the duty of every Christian to spread the Gospel. Being perfect in every action is the best way to bring others to God. Others seeing our good life will be turned to the Gospel that we practise.


By Dr. Babu Philip, Professor, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Fine Arts Avenue, Kochi-682016, Kerala, India.

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